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18 August 2023 CHC Training Package Update: Extended Transition Period for CHC43115

In a recent development, the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has granted an extension to the transition period for the CHC43115 Certificate IV in Disability. As per the guidelines outlined in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015, the transition periods set the timeframe for registered training organisations (RTOs) to align their offerings with updated qualifications or standards. However, ASQA holds the authority to exercise discretion in exceptional cases, extending transition periods to prioritise the well-being of learners.

Following a thorough evaluation, ASQA has chosen to extend the transition period for the CHC43115 qualification. This decision provides RTOs with the flexibility to continue admitting students into this program until the extended period concludes on 31 July 2024. It is crucial to emphasise that all learners are required to either successfully complete the CHC43115 qualification within this extended period or transition seamlessly to an alternate qualification that adheres to the new standards.

By granting RTOs additional time to recalibrate their courses, ASQA ensures that learners are not caught off-guard by abrupt changes that could potentially disrupt their educational journeys. Moreover, throughout this extended transition period, the CHC43115 Certificate IV in Disability qualification will maintain its position within the scope of registration for RTOs. This approach reflects ASQA’s commitment to facilitating a smooth and orderly transition process for both educators and learners.

This extension showcases ASQA’s dedication to preserving educational standards while prioritising the needs of learners. It underscores the agency’s ability to adapt to unique circumstances and ensure that learners receive the support they need to succeed. As the educational landscape continues to evolve, this extension serves as a testament to ASQA’s commitment to providing stability amidst change.

24 July 2023 CHC Training Package Update: Extended Transition Periods for CHC Qualifications

In a significant move to support registered training organisations (RTOs) and their learners, the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has taken a considerable step forward by approving extended transition periods for specific CHC qualifications. This decision addresses potential disadvantages affecting certain learner cohorts due to the previously set transition timelines.

Empowering Learners and Training Providers

ASQA has granted an extended training, assessment, and certification issuance period for a comprehensive list of CHC qualifications and skill sets. The following qualifications will benefit from the extended transition period, which concludes on 31 July 2024:

  • CHC40313 Certificate IV in Child, Youth and Family Intervention
  • CHC40413 Certificate IV in Youth Work
  • CHC40513 Certificate IV in Youth Justice
  • CHC42015 Certificate IV in Community Services
  • CHC50313 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention
  • CHC50413 Diploma of Youth Work
  • CHC52115 Diploma of Community Development
  • CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support
  • CHCSS00097 Individual Support – Ageing Skill Set
  • CHCSS00098 Individual Support – Disability Skill Set

However, for the CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services, ASQA has granted an extended transition period until 31 December 2024.

Empowering Learners and Communities

These qualifications provide learners with diverse pathways to essential sectors, enabling them to positively impact the lives of communities and individuals. With the extended transition periods, your learners can confidently pursue their studies, knowing their efforts will be recognised and rewarded.

Inclusive Approach for New and Continuing Students

The extended transition period is not limited to existing students but applies to new enrolments. As a training provider, you can now accept new commencements during this extended period while ensuring your learners have ample time to complete their qualifications, enhance their learning experience, and promote a seamless transition.

Building a Skilled Workforce and Stronger Communities

By extending the transition periods for these vital CHC qualifications, ASQA fosters the development of a highly skilled workforce. As learners complete their training and gain certifications, they are better equipped to make a positive difference in the lives of individuals and communities they serve.

5 July 2023 Update

ASQA Approves Extended Transition Period for CHC51115 Diploma of Financial Counselling

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has granted an extended transition period for the CHC51115 Diploma of Financial Counselling qualification to prevent potential disadvantages for learners. This decision, which allows for an elongated training, assessment, and certification issuance period, was supported by Financial Counselling Australia.

ASQA possesses the authority to approve transition periods beyond the guidelines outlined in Clauses 1.26 (a), (b), and (c) of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 under certain circumstances. In line with the Guidance for Providers – Learner Transition, ASQA considers applications for extended transition periods if there is evidence of genuine disadvantage to a specific group of learners should such an extension not be granted.

The recently approved extended transition period applies to all providers offering the CHC51115 Diploma of Financial Counselling qualification. This period is set to conclude on 14 December 2024. During this time, new enrolments in the qualification will be permitted. However, it is mandatory for all students to either complete the course or be transferred to the replacement qualification by the designated transition end date.

ASQA consulted with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) and the Training Accreditation Council Western Australia (TAC WA) to ensure a well-informed decision regarding this extended transition request.

It is important to note that the CHC51115 Diploma of Financial Counselling qualification will remain on the provider’s scope of registration until the conclusion of the extended transition period. This commitment ensures that learners have ample opportunity to complete their studies or seamlessly transition to the replacement qualification.

Approving an extended transition period for the CHC51115 Diploma of Financial Counselling by ASQA signifies the regulatory body’s dedication to safeguarding the interests and educational pathways of learners pursuing this qualification. The decision reassures current and prospective students and educational providers, ensuring a smooth and accommodating transition process.

7 December 202 CHC Training Package Update: Aged Care, Disability Care, and Direct Client Care Project Update

A pivotal alteration emerged within the domain of CHC qualifications on 7 December 2022, as SkillsIQ made the decision to withdraw CHC43021 from listing on This choice emanated from its inadvertent inclusion alongside the other 2021 CHC qualifications. It is imperative for RTOs to acknowledge that the standing of CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support remains unaffected.

Upon engaging with Melinda Brown, the general manager of SkillsIQ, affirmation was secured, confirming that the release of CHC43021 was an oversight, prompting its prompt removal from the platform. Further clarity was provided, underscoring that the 2021 iteration of the Certificate IV in Ageing Support awaits endorsement and approval from the Skills Ministers.

In light of the hindrances encountered during the endorsement and approval process for CHC43021 Certificate IV in Ageing Support, the determination has been reached to exclude this qualification from inclusion in the impending Industry Cluster. While intricate details concerning the eagerly anticipated VET system reform, scheduled for inauguration in January 2023, remain undisclosed, the dawn of its operationalisation is on the horizon.

Notwithstanding these occurrences, SkillsIQ has made the choice to abstain from dispensing any public declarations or observations pertaining to the withdrawal of CHC43021 Certificate IV in Ageing Support.

In summation, the modifications germane to the 2021 CHC qualifications can be encapsulated as follows:

Superseded Qualifications   New Qualifications   Status 
CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support  CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support   Not Equivalent 
CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support      
CHC43115 Certificate IV in Disability Support   CHC43121 Certificate IV in Disability Support   Not Equivalent 

Check Out the Latest CHC Training Resources Here

24 November 2022 CHC Training Package Update

Marking the occasion of 24 November 2022, a noteworthy development unfolds as the much-anticipated CHC Community Services qualifications and units are officially published on We are thrilled to declare our stance as one of the pioneers – potentially even the absolute first – to have these resources meticulously prepared and at our disposal! These advancements will effectively take precedence over the editions established in 2015. Training providers are afforded a timeframe of 12 months to effect a seamless transition from the preceding courses to the freshly introduced ones.

It is imperative to acknowledge that the three qualifications introduced in 2021 are not equivalent with the superseded ones. Substantial refinements have been undertaken to reflect the evolving landscape of industry expectations. Should your institution aspire to offer the latest version of these community services courses, it becomes indispensable to initiate the process of re-application for accreditation.

The changes are as follows:

Superseded Qualifications   New Qualifications   Status  
CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support   CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support   Not Equivalent  
CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support   CHC43021 Certificate IV in Ageing Support   Not Equivalent 
CHC43115 Certificate IV in Disability Support   CHC43121 Certificate IV in Disability Support   Not Equivalent  

It is of paramount importance for RTOs to utilise this timeframe to ensure that adequate provisions are made for all students enrolled in the now obsolete editions of the Individual Support, Ageing Support, and Disability Support courses, allowing them ample time to finalise their studies before the transition deadline elapses.

Considering the recent enhancements to the CHC training products, the most advisable approach for RTOs and other training providers is to strategise and implement a comprehensive project plan to facilitate a seamless transition process. To ensure your RTO’s ability to adeptly manage the forthcoming changes, take proactive steps in procuring the latest training materials at the earliest feasible instance.

Check Out the Latest CHC Training Resources Here

What’s Next for Your RTO?

To help you navigate the CHC Community Services training package update, here are some important considerations for your Registered Training organisation (RTO):

  • Stay informed about the new entry requirements and equivalency of units and qualifications. Identify which courses in your scope will be affected and develop a plan to address the changes.
  • Develop a well-structured transition plan covering the changes – who, what, when, where, and how.
  • Remember that you can’t start marketing the new courses until you have obtained the scope of registration (refer to the Standards for RTOs for more information). Applying for scope early is crucial so you can commence marketing, enrolling, and conducting training and assessment as soon as possible.
  • Ensure your trainers are certified or update their certifications to qualify them for delivering the new courses.
  • Obtain the new CHC Community Services training resources that align with the updated unit requirements. Contextualise these educational materials to ensure compliance and meet the specific needs of your RTO.

It’s important to note that CHC qualifications are highly competitive in Australia, with more than 500 RTOs currently delivering the Certificate III in Individual Support qualification (CHC33015). Over 70,000 students enrol in this course each year, making it the country’s most popular vocational qualification.

Ensure your RTO stays ahead of this update and positions itself to take full advantage of this transition.

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