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Know the Latest MEA Training Package Updates

In a move aimed at supporting learners in the aviation industry, the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has recently approved an extended transition period for specific qualifications. The decision for this training update, made in consultation with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) and the Training Accreditation Council of Western Australia (TAC WA), ensures that students pursuing MEA qualifications have sufficient time to complete their training without facing undue disadvantages.

ASQA’s Consideration for Extended Transition Period

ASQA’s role as the national regulator for vocational education and training in Australia empowers it to approve transition periods longer than those outlined in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015. This provision is invoked when it can be demonstrated that learners would suffer without an extension. ASQA has taken this responsibility seriously by evaluating the needs of students in the aviation sector and considering their best interests.

Extended Transition Period for MEA Qualifications

In this instance, ASQA has granted an extended transition period for three MEA qualifications related to the aviation industry:

1. MEA30318 Certificate III in Aircraft Life Support and Furnishing

2. MEA40918 Certificate IV in Aircraft Surface Finishing

3. MEA41318 Certificate IV in Aeroskills (Structures)

Timeframe and Scope of the Extension

The extended training, assessment, and certification issuance period for these qualifications will now conclude on 21 November 2024. It is important to note that this extension applies to all training providers and is specifically intended for students who have already commenced these qualifications as of 20 November 2023. This ensures that those who have already begun their studies can complete their training under the existing framework.

Collaborative Consultation Process

ASQA undertook a comprehensive consultation process, engaging with the VRQA and TAC WA to gather input from relevant authorities. By seeking multiple perspectives, ASQA aimed to make an informed decision that considered the interests of learners, training providers, and the aviation industry. This collaborative approach reflects ASQA’s commitment to transparency and stakeholder engagement.

Implications for Training Providers and Students

During the extended transition period, the MEA qualifications in question will remain on the provider’s scope of registration. This means that training providers will continue offering and delivering these qualifications until the approved period ends. The extension provides students with the necessary time and support to complete their studies and obtain the certifications they have been working towards.

Fostering a Smooth Transition

ASQA’s decision to approve the extended transition period for this MEA training package update demonstrates its dedication to minimising disruptions and supporting learners in their educational pursuits. By considering the potential disadvantages students may face without an extension, ASQA ensures a smoother transition process for those pursuing careers in the aviation industry. Training providers and students will welcome this decision, as it provides clarity and stability amid any changes occurring within the sector.

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