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DEWR Welcomes Anna Faithfull as Its New Deputy Secretary for Skills and Training

The Department of Education and Workplace Relations (DEWR) has recently announced the appointment of Anna Faithfull as the new Deputy Secretary for Skills and Training. Faithfull will replace Nadine Williams, who moved to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet earlier this year.

Thrilled to Join #TeamDEWR

In response to the appointment, Faithfull took to LinkedIn to share her excitement about joining the DEWR team as the new Deputy Secretary for Skills and Training. On 25 April 2023, she expressed gratitude to the Skills and Training Group, notably Clare Sharp and Natalie James, for providing her with an excellent welcome and induction.

Impressive Background

Faithfull is a highly experienced executive who has worked extensively in the public and private sectors. In the public sector, she served as Deputy Secretary at Victoria’s Department of Justice and Community Safety. She was responsible for shaping the department’s strategic direction, devising policies, and delivering services.

She was Executive Director of the Department of Premier and Cabinet in Victoria’s National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Family Violence, and Social Service Reform. She also held various executive roles in the private sector, including Senior Client Partner at Publicis Sapient, where she led the employment venture and advisory practice at Social Ventures Australia.

Faithfull’s Appointment is a Welcome Addition to DEWR and the VET Industry

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant disruption to the workforce, highlighting the importance of upskilling and reskilling. Faithfull’s appointment is an exciting development for the education and training sector, as her experience and expertise will be invaluable to building a skilled and adaptable workforce for the future.

On its LinkedIn on 25 April 2023, DEWR posted, “With extensive experience in both the public and private sectors, Anna will continue building strong partnerships and developing innovative services in the skills and training space for all Australians. We look forward to working with Anna to support people to have safe, secure and well-paid work with the skills for a sustainable future.”

TAFE Directors Australia Congratulate Faithfull on Her Appointment

The Technical and Further Education (TAFE) Directors Australia (TDA) congratulated Faithfull on her new role as the new Deputy Secretary for Skills and Training, noting her extensive experience and commitment to building a skilled and inclusive workforce.

Faithfull’s appointment marks a significant milestone for DEWR and the education and training sector as a whole. With her wealth of experience and expertise, she is well-equipped to lead the development of innovative services and build a skilled workforce for the future.

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