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ASQA Approves Extended Transition Period for CSC Training Package Qualifications

ASQA Extended Transition Period - CSC Training Package

25 May 23 Update: ASQA Approves Extended Transition Period for Several CSC Training Package Qualification Units

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has recently approved an extended transition period for the CSC (Correctional Services) Training Package qualifications. This decision, supported by the Correctional Services Industry Reference Committee, aims to mitigate any potential disadvantages learners face during the transition.

Extended Transition Period Qualifications

The CSC training package qualification units that have been granted an extended transition period for this training update are as follows:

  1. CSC30120 Certificate III in Correctional Practice
  2. CSC40121 Certificate IV in Correctional Practice
  3. CSC50115 Diploma of Correctional Administration

Reasoning for Extended Transition

The Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 outline the transition periods for qualifications. However, ASQA holds the authority to approve more extended transition periods under certain circumstances. In accordance with the Guidance for Providers – Learner Transition, ASQA considers applications for an extended transition period when it can be demonstrated that there would be a genuine disadvantage to a cohort of learners if such an extension were not approved.

End Date for Extended Transition

The above-mentioned qualifications’ extended training, assessment, and certification issuance period will conclude on 4 December 2024. All providers with the scope for delivery of these qualifications will have until this date to transition their students.

Involvement of Relevant Committees and Authorities

The decision to extend the transition end date for these qualifications and cohorts was supported by the Correctional Services Industry Reference Committee. ASQA also consulted with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) and the Training Accreditation Council Western Australia (TAC WA) to consider this extended transition request.

Implications for Providers and Learners

During the extended transition period, the qualifications will remain on the provider’s scope of registration. This means that providers with the necessary scope for delivery can continue offering training and assessment services for these qualifications until 4 December 2024. Providers must ensure they meet the requirements and maintain the quality standards throughout the extended transition period.

The training update allows learners to complete their qualifications according to the existing requirements. It will enable them to continue their studies and receive the necessary certification until the end of the extended period.

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